There are Numerous Ways
To give to our school

Ways to Give


Any financial gift, large or small, has a positive impact on our school – helping us to fulfill our mission in the lives of our current students and in the lives of students to come.

There are numerous ways to give, and all gifts are tax-deductible for the year the gift was made.


Money given through any of these methods is appreciated and necessary to grow regular giving to PCS. You can give to the school with cash or check; we can also arrange automatic donations from your checking or savings. You can also donate with your credit card. Checks made payable to Plumstead Christian School may be mailed to:

Plumstead Christian School
Development Office
5765 Old Easton Road
Box 216
Plumsteadville, PA 18949

Matching Gifts

There are many companies that match their employees’ gifts to independent schools. For example, if a donor gives $1,000 to PCS, a matching gift company will also give $1,000 to the school and thus the donor is credited with a $2,000 gift. Some companies will even match gifts on a 2:1 or 3:1 ratio. Donors simply need to contact their human resources offices for the appropriate forms and forward them with their gifts to the Development Office for completion. Check with your company to see if it offers a matching gift program. Call Jeremiah Lapp, Director of Finance at 215-766-8073 for more information.

Gifts in Kind

You or your business may have a product or service that could be donated to Plumstead Christian School to benefit the daily operation of the school or one of our fundraising events such as our golf outings or a Live and Silent Auction.

Real Estate

You can give a building, vacation property or raw land as a significant gift to PCS. A taxable property that has long-term appreciation in value can be given without incurring tax on the appreciation. Thus, the value of the gift may be substantially more than it would be if the property were first sold and the after-tax donation to PCS.

Charitable Gift Annuity

In exchange for a transfer of cash, marketable securities, or in some circumstances real estate, PCS is contractually guaranteed to make a specified annuity payment to the donor throughout his/her lifetime. The payout rates vary by age and number of participants. In addition to lifetime income, you may claim a current-year deduction for a portion of the gift, and a portion of the annuity payment is income-tax free for several years.

Life Insurance

Life insurance plays an important role in providing financial protection against emergencies, asset protection for estate planning, and security for families with children. As family situations and needs change, however, the need for life insurance also may change. Please have your policy evaluated and consider including PCS as a beneficiary.


Bonds, stocks, and mutual funds are easy to donate to PCS and have several advantages for the donor: you receive a full charitable deduction for the fair market value of the gift; you avoid long-term capital gain tax; and there is no commission in the sale or transfer. PCS has a brokerage account for easy transfer.

Wills and Bequests

One of the simplest ways for you to make a future investment in PCS is through your will. Charitable bequests can take various forms. With a general bequest PCS receives a specified dollar amount. A residual bequest designates a percentage of the estate for. Through a specific bequest, a specific item or piece of property is given to advance Christian Education at PCS. A transfer of assets to a gift or trust entity that can pay income to a named beneficiary or possibly shift assets to children or grandchildren may allow a donor to make a substantial gift to PCS while meeting personal financial objectives. The donor may gain immediate tax advantages or may reduce gift or estate taxes through one of these gift arrangements.

Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC)

Participation in the EITC program allows businesses (structured as either an LLC, C corps, or S corps) and individuals (under a new provision that allows for individuals to join an LLC known as a Special Purpose Entity) to give tax dollars owed to the state of Pennsylvania to our school for tuition assistance. Pennsylvania taxes that qualify for these programs include Personal Income Tax, Capital Stock/Foreign Franchise Tax, Corporate Net Income Tax, Bank Shares Tax, Title Insurance & Trust Company Shares Tax, Insurance Premium Tax (excluding surplus lines, unauthorized, domestic/foreign marine), Mutual Thrift Tax, Malt Beverage Tax, and Retaliatory Fees under section 212 of the Insurance Company Law of 1921.

If a company or individual applies for a two-year commitment to either the EITC program, 90% of their total gift is regarded by the state of Pennsylvania as a tax credit. Here’s another way of looking at the strength of this program:  For every dollar given to the school through the EITC program, the state of Pennsylvania gives the school nine dollars!


From Scott Shaw, President and Senior Financial Advisor at Veritas Strageties:

“If I have ever been confronted with a truly rewarding and helpful program for Plumstead Christian School, Pennsylvania’s EITC (Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program) is it!  As a financial professional (as well as parent, grandfather, and Christian) none of us come across too many “no brainers” in our lifetime, but I would have to say, in my opinion, that this is one of them. To be able to significantly offset (up to 90%) my state income tax owed each year with tax credits based on my giving to PCS is a win-win. The EITC program allows me to significantly support Christian education in my local area with only a minor incremental cost. I would encourage anyone with a passion for Christian education to get educated and avail himself or herself of this very meaningful program.”


You may also call Patrick Fitzpatrick, Head of School, at 215-766-8073 for more information.

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As you continue your search for the best school, we invite you to plan a visit to our Chalfont (PK – Grade 5) and Doylestown (Grade 6-12) campuses and preview our unique programs, Christ-centered culture, and secure facilities where your child can thrive.

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