Building for Excellence Tile Fund

image of tiles that can be customized

Put your own personal stamp on our new Activity Center
You are invited to purchase one or more commemorative, decorative tiles to help fund our new Capital Campaign “Building for Excellence.” This campaign focuses on Students of Excellence, Faculty of Excellence, and Facilities of Excellence. Your tile purchase demonstrates your support of the school and inspires others to do the same!
PCS art teacher, Mary DeClerico, will hand-craft each tile complete with a custom inscription (e.g. your family name, “in honor of…,” or “in memory of…”). We are also challenging each graduating class to collect enough money to buy a custom tile to represent their graduating class (e.g. Class of 1985, Class of 2025). We are hoping class reps will spearhead these projects, collect the money, and order the tiles.
All tiles will be assembled into a beautiful mosaic to be part of the permanent bench located in the foyer of the new Activity Center. If we sell more tiles than can fit the bench, the mosaic will expand beyond the bench.

Details for ordering Tile
Tiles are available in three sizes: 4″ x 4″ ($250.00), 4″ x 8″ ($400.00), and 8″ x 8″ ($750.00).

  • 4″ x 4″ = 30 character limit
  • 4″ x 8″ = 60 character limit
  • 8″ x 8″ = 160 character limit
    *Characters include letters, numbers, spaces, and punctuation

image of bench where tiles will be installed

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