We Create
for The Creator

We Create to Glorify God and Bless Others


Our visual arts program exposes students to the basic elements and principles of design through various media, techniques, and applications. By exercising creativity, students utilize their unique artistic gifts as a true expression of their love for God and others.

Fine Arts Festival

Annual Art Celebrations held on both campuses

An abundance of art electives

Art Appreciation, Art History, and numerous studio classes

Field Trip Opportunities

Exciting field trips offered to explore visual arts

Lower School

The Lower school art program is designed to provide a wide variety of experiences through skills, materials, visual concepts, art history, and art appreciation. Students have the opportunity to explore art through painting, drawing, printmaking, ceramics, collage and weaving. Program highlights include a monthly art display at local area businesses, participation in local community contests, and a fine arts festival each spring.

Middle School

The Middle school art curriculum exposes students to a wide variety of disciplines throughout the school year. Students are encouraged to recognize the ways in which God has uniquely gifted individuals with creative abilities in the visual arts through Printmaking, 3-D Design, Drawing, Perspective, Ceramics, Collage, Painting, Sculpture, Textile, Computer Arts, and Figure Drawing.

Upper School

The Upper school art curriculum includes art appreciation, art history, and studio classes. A wide variety of high level classes are available for the advanced artist. Students display their work within the school and the community.

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